Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Wayback Machine & Digital Footprints

I recently ended up at a P & C meeting, with a teacher presenting her research on cyberbullying. Being the cyberfan/addict that I am, my ears were bleeding with all the afeared chit chat. I like to think that if we taught our kids the power of the web and their digital footprint, then they MAY reconsider some of the nasty stuff that they are putting out into the cyber playground.

A wayback machine search on their future selves a'la McFly could be just the trip!

Check out this link to the 1996 Apple site - looks like todays backyard job.

Why doesn't the whole world love Mac like I do?

Even Blackboard isn't showing the love. I went in to complete 1.2 Activity 1 and can't! Not compatible. Can't I call the IT man to fix it?

Activity 1 & 2 - Routing in Action/ Who Owns What?

I'm powering through the catch up stuff, so you'll probably notice a multitude of blog entries in the wee hours of this morn.

So, the first activity we're to do for Web 101 is check the routing on popular sites and find their locations.
Google: California
Wikipedia: Florida
Amazon: Florida
Flickr: Sunnyvale, CA

Next, we were asked to find a site that is popular and NOT hosted in US or Aus is!

For Activity 2, we needed to investigate who owned what sites:

Flickr is owned by Yahoo
Youtube is owned by Google
Mickey is owned by Melb It Ltd
Gooogle. com is owned by Google and is owned by yahoo. Perhaps they have purchased these domains to redirect typo traffic?

Too many balls and one's gonna drop...

... don't we all know the feeling? Sometimes, the combination of university study, mothering 2 small humans, being a wife, daughter, sister and friend, consulting to multiple small businesses and in my spare time volunteering for a very special charity becomes all too much, and one of the balls slip.

I'm going to climb out on a limb, and in the true vein of blogging admit I'm more than slightly behind on my Web 101 studies. It's been a definite test!

But here I am. I have a web presence. Well, the skeleton of one is emerging. I've got 2/5 short question answers and more than 10 hours to finish it in. Life's pretty good tonight.